Stabilizing growth with low unemployment and high manufacturing PMI

Stabilizing growth with low unemployment and high manufacturing PMI January 11, 2024 | 12:02 am My Cup Of Liberty By Bienvenido S. Oplas, Jr. (Part 5 of a series) HONG KONG — Last time I was here was in 2017 when I attended two international free market events. Yesterday, when our plane from Manila landed at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), I was surprised at the huge number of cranes, heavy construction machines, and piles of soil both left and right of the runway. After a quick search of the web, I learned that HKIA is constructing a third runway, 3.8 kilometers long, with the reclamation of 650 hectares of land. It will build 57 new gates, and expand capacity by another 30 million passengers by 2030. The project is huge, and such construction activities must have contributed to Hong Kong’s further lowering of its unemployment rate. Also yesterday, th...