Build-build-build, extended welfare, vaccine discrimination, and liberty forum
* My article in BusinessWorld last September 5. -------------- There are as usual four topics in this column and we go straight to them. ASSESSMENT OF DUTERTE’S BUILD-BUILD-BUILD Dr. Epictetus E. Patalinghug, Professor Emeritus of UP Diliman (and my former undergrad Economics teacher in the 1980s), wrote a good paper: “An Assessment of the Infrastructure Program of the Duterte Administration” (funded by the UP Professor Emeritus Research Program, published August 2022). The paper assesses the end-of-term performance (2016-2022) of the previous Administration’s Build, Build, Build (BBB) Program. It observed that the scope of BBB changed from 75 big-ticket projects to 112 less ambitious and more doable projects. The huge gap between the actual and targeted infrastructure expenditures in the early years of the program was a manifestation of the weak absorptive capacity of the implementing agencies. Among the 15 railway projects examined by the study, only two were complet...