The Post-SONA Economic Briefing; FVR’s economy

* My column in BusinessWorld last August 1. -------------- There were a number of important economic events that occurred last week, I will discuss four of them here. FIRST SONA OF PFMJ Last Monday, July 25, President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. (PFMJ) delivered his first State of the Nation Address (SONA). It was a 3S — sane, statesman, sensible — address by a head of state. No cursing, no threats like “I will expropriate your business” that we heard in the SONAs of the previous administration. Instead, the opening statements were all about the economy: “sound fiscal management… Tax administration reforms… spending efficiency… Productivity-enhancing investments… Ecozones supported… tax system adjusted to the digital economy… ease of paying taxes.” “GDP growth targets 6.5 to 7.5% in 2022, 6.5 to 8% in 2023-2028… 9% or single-digit poverty rate by 2028. Three percent deficit to GDP ratio by 2028. Less than 60% debt-to-GDP ratio by 2025. At least $4,256 income (GNI) per capita and t...